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Wondering About Cost

Have any questions about costs?

Don’t worry, most people do too. 

That’s why we have broken down the various costs around balcony repairs and waterproofing- to guide through the likely scenarios in advance. 


Balcony - Repair - 8


$36-$42 Per Sq Ft 

New waterproof system only

For balconies that are in good shape without much damage to flashing or stucco. In these cases, all they need is a new waterproof system that can be installed right over the existing system.

Less work, less material less cost.

$50-$60 Per SQ FT

New waterproofing system goes over the existing and the flashing is replaced.

In this scenario, the surface of the balcony can remain, but the flashing needs to be replaced. The stucco must be removed followed by applying the new flashing, then the waterproof system over existing surface, and job is complete.

$75-$80 Per SQ FT

Replacement of subfloor with new flashing and waterproof system.

If water has penetrated the waterproof membrane, the subfloor likely has rot or has even grow fungi. In the case, the plywood subfloor must be removed and replaced. The stucco will also have to be replaced and a new waterproof system will be installed over the new lumber.

$120-$200 Per SQ FT

Replacement of subfloor with new flashing and waterproof system.

This is the worst-case scenario! Here, there is major structural damage from water intrusion so the membrane must be replaced. In most cases the structure membrane extends 2x their span into the building living area. Engineering repair designs will need to be created by a licensed engineer.

It is the most expensive scenario and cost may vary from balcony to balcony.


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