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1 min read

Property Maintenance: Spring Cleaning!

Living in southern california we are pretty lucky that we don’t have to deal with the problemsSouth bay spring cleaning that a normal winter brings, such as snow. Our nights are pretty chilly though, sometimes waking up to frost on your winshield.

As the winter nears its end, we have put together a list of things to do inside and outside to get your home ready for the spring season.

Indoor Maintenance

  1. Clean or replace your furnace. Leaving a dirty filter can lower the efficiency of your homes HVAC system. Some filters are reusable. Here is what you need to do, remove it, wash it down thoroughly and re-insert it. If you don’t have a reusable filter, you’ll have to purchase a new one.
  2. Test your air conditioning system to make sure everything is working properly when those hot days start rolling in.
  3. Check the caulking around all your window and doors. Improper caulking will allow for moisture to seep inside the walls and cause mold. This will give you the perfect opportunity to clean or replace damaged window and screens.
  4. Check/replace fire extinguishers to make sure each meet the current safety standards and are ready for emergency use.
  5. Test the smoke and fire alarms in your home. Replace the batteries if necessary.
  6. Dust the ceiling fans. This will increase the breeze and airflow throughout your home during the warmer climates.
  7. Dust and check the wattage of your light bulbs.
  8. Steam clean your carpets, if you have them. This will get rid of the dust, hair and lingering dirt. These things usually cause allergies so cleaning will definitely help.
  9. If you have a coil-back refrigerator, vacuum the coils for maximum efficiency.
  10. Get rid of the pest problem. Warmer climates make it worse, so now is the best time to do something about it.

South bay in the springOutdoor Maintenance

  1. Check for roof damage. For safety purposes, consider hiring a professional to care of roofing repairs.
  2. Clean the gutters and downspouts to make sure they are directing water away from the house.
  3. Trim the trees. Cut back trees growing within five feet of your home or that are brushing up against the roof. This will create better ventilation by drying out wet surfaces and prevent further damage. .
  4. Check your home for dry rot.

Preparing for spring early will allow you to focus on enjoying it more. You won’t have to deal with the regular household repairs.

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