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home remodel


4 min read

Home Remodeling: Dealing With the Mess that Comes With a Home Remodel

Large home remodeling projects are complex, they take a long time to complete and can also create some headaches. If a single room remodel is...

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2 min read

Los Angeles Home Remodel: The Importance of Paint

(House painter working on fascia and trim) One of the quickest and inexpensive ways of remodeling your house is by adding a fresh coat of paint....

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2 min read

What's the Difference Between a Construction Quote and Estimate?

We refer to the use of quotes and bid when we are discussing construction pricing, but are they really being used correctly? These are actually the...

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2 min read

Why You Should Hire a Team Instead of a General Contractor

Through the years the projects that we have taken on have become more technical with more facets of complexity. More choices in materials, elements...

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3 min read

Remodeling Safety: Keeping Your Family Out of Danger During a Remodel

Lumber, cinder blocks, dirt piles, and holes. To children, a construction site can seem like a playground—even when Mom and Dad warn them about...

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2 min read

5 Mistakes Everyone Makes when Choosing a Paint Color

Picking the shade that will cover a room can be a daunting task- just where do you begin when staring at a wall of dozens of shades? While the vast...

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2 min read

What is my Contractor Saying- Understanding a General Contractor

Just like in any profession, contractors sometimes say things that may be completely obvious to them but makes no sense to you. Here are a few tips...

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Remodeling Tips: Selecting Materials Early

Remodeling Tips: Selecting the materials you want earliy on can keep you on budget by getting you an accurate quote as well as prevent delays further...

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2 min read

Things to Remember During a Home Remodel

While we've done several of these types of articles, each one is different in subtopics. Many people fail to do their homework before taking on a...

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2 min read

How to Avoid Costly Home Remodeling Mistakes

Remodeling any portion of your home takes a substantial investment as well as time and energy. The last thing you want to do is pay for more than you...

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