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Lydia Solis

Remodeling Tips: Selecting Materials Early

Remodeling Tips: Selecting the materials you want earliy on can keep you on budget by getting you an accurate quote as well as prevent delays further down the line.

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Decking and Outdoor Living Space Ideas

It’s summer time and that means that more people want to spend more time outside and soak in the vitamin D. Homeowners are adding decking and outdoor...

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2 min read

Things to Remember During a Home Remodel

While we've done several of these types of articles, each one is different in subtopics. Many people fail to do their homework before taking on a...

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3 min read

What Kind of Kitchen Remodel Can I Get for My Money?

Whether you’re deciding to have your entire home remodeled or just your kitchen remodeled, it is important that you budget for it appropriately and...

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2 min read

How to Avoid Costly Home Remodeling Mistakes

Remodeling any portion of your home takes a substantial investment as well as time and energy. The last thing you want to do is pay for more than you...

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1 min read

3 Simple Ways to Reduce Your Stress During a Kitchen Remodel

For anyone having gone through or going through a kitchen remodel, you know it can get extremely messy. Organization is the key to staying sane.

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1 min read

How to Plan The Master Bedroom You've Always Wanted

The most common home addition request we get is for a new master bedroom. Whether you are updating an old home or your family is expanding, there are...

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2 min read

Tips for First Time Home Remodelers

Homeowners have a vision to make a house their home. Whether it’s a bathroom or kitchen, deciding to remodel any portion of your home is an exciting...

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1 min read

4 Ways to an Eco-Friendly Kitchen Remodel

One of the biggest trends around the world is environmental consciousness. The reach is beginning to go beyond the type of food one consumes or the...

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1 min read

Hiring a Good Contractor: Keeping your Project on Time and on Budget

For contractors, spring and summer and the busiest seasons. While it is very important that you choose the right contractor, it’s also important that...

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